Saturday, May 24, 2008

Iron Mike on the Big Screen

The most exciting boxer of all time is making a move to the big screen and has enlisted Jamie Foxx as the man. Hoping that Mr. Foxx can do this film its due justice. I've seen Mike around Los Angeles a few times. He does bear the stigma of a carnivorous animal, but every time I've seen him he has always extended himself to the public. One time I saw him bumrushed for autographs as he was returning to his hotel by a group of 15 people, and he gave autographs to every one of them. Then he was asked if he had time to meet the rest of their family. He went inside to meet the entire family for about 15 minutes or so. An Irish family was having some kind of family reunion or something. Out of the 3 times I've seen him, no paparazzi, no television or news crews were present, and he always seemed to embrace anyone who greeted him. As they say, things aren't always as they seem. Mike always had the best entrance music, too. I remember him using Redman's Time 4 Sum Aksion.

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